Episode 125

Hello Historic Anthology 5, Goodbye MPL


May 21st, 2021

1 hr 40 mins 51 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Jobs were lost (after next year) and new cards are announced (for next week). We go through all 25 additions from Historic Anthology 5, consider their potential and their competitive past. We also reflect on what the competitive future looks like for casual spikes.

The Break Down: Goodbye MPL
The Dive Down: Hello Historic Anthology 5

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1:48 - Housekeeping
4:46 - The Break Down begins: We are all Casual Spikes now
36:05 - The Dive Down begins: HA5
36:58 - The Praetors
48:02 - Silumgar's Command
49:49 - Ojutai's Command
51:38 - Dromoka's Command
56:31 - Atarka's Command
1:06:05 - Kolaghan's Command
1:13:45 - Ancient Grudge
1:14:44 - Ray of Revelation
1:15:51 - Grisly Salvage
1:18:14 - Dragonstorm
1:20:24 - Intangible Virtue
1:23:10 - Into the North
1:24:36 - Relic of Progenitus
1:26:56 - Trash for Treasure
1:27:49 - Ichor Wellspring
1:29:41 - Stifle
1:30:56 - Merfolk Looter
1:32:32 - Reverse Engineer
1:33:50 - Court Homunculus, Vault Skirge, and Whirler Rogue
1:37:15 - Final thoughts on Historic Anthology 5
1:39:15 - Closing Out

Links from this week's episode:

Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?

Watch us stream our episodes every Sunday night at 8pm Central: https://www.twitch.tv/thedivedown_shane

email us: thedivedown@gmail.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/thedivedown

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