Episode 310

A Lot of MaRo in Chicago


February 27th, 2025

1 hr 58 mins 28 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

MagicCon: Chicago was the biggest MagicCon ever, in part because The Dive Down was there to experience it. This week's show features conversation we had at the Con with Mark Rosewater, Blake Rasmussen, and Athena Froehlich. We chat about a couple cards revealed from Tarkir: Dragonstorm and gather some WOTC insights following December's Modern unbans.

A Preview Panel!
A Chat with Blake!
MaRo's 20 Cards of All Time!

7:26 - This week's show/housekeeping
14:05 - The Dive Down begins: MagicCon Chicago!
23:06 - The MagicCon Chicago Spoiler Panel
47:44 - An interview with Blake Rasmussen
1:16:03 - The MaRo Q&A
1:50:35 - Wrapping up

Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?

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