Episode Archive
329 episodes of The Dive Down since the first episode, which aired on December 22nd, 2018.
Episode 25: Modern Horizons Set Review, Part the Second
Episode | June 7th, 2019 | 1 hr 45 mins
The Dive Down: The gang reviews the OTHER half of Modern Horizons using the beloved sleeve / believe / heave grading system.
Episode 24: Modern Horizons Set Review, Part the First
Episode | May 31st, 2019 | 2 hrs 19 mins
The Dive Down: The gang reviews half of Modern Horizons using the beloved sleeve, believe, heave grading system.
Episode 23: UW Control: My Son Is ALSO Named Teferi
Episode | May 24th, 2019 | 1 hr 48 mins
The Break Down: 4 early preview cards from Modern Horizons.
The Dive Down: The UW Control Deck Dive! What makes control decks tick, and why is UW seemingly better than ever?
The Wind Down: A Patreon question about the Golden Age of Modern. -
Episode 22: Sleeve It / Believe It / Heave It: War of the Spark Edition
Episode | May 17th, 2019 | 1 hr 42 mins
The Break Down: We look at some spicy new decks making their appearance in the Modern Challenge and the Modern MOCS Monthly.
The Dive Down: Do we want to Sleeve, Believe, or Heave 4 Modern decks built around new War of the Spark cards?
The Wind Down: When and how to buy into Modern? -
Episode 21: Humans: Be Yourself, In Card Form
Episode | May 10th, 2019 | 1 hr 41 mins
The Break Down: 3 new decks courtesy of War Of The Spark
The Dive Down: Deck Dives are back! We talk Humans - how it's constructed, some tips and tricks, and how you might try to beat this Tier 1 staple.
The Wind Down: Why isn't UW Control more popular? -
Episode 20: MC2: London Boogaloo
Episode | May 3rd, 2019 | 1 hr 22 mins
The Dive Down: We break down the results and impact of Mythic Championship London.
The Wind Down: We take some listener questions. -
Episode 19: War of the Spec!
Episode | April 26th, 2019 | 1 hr 48 mins
The Break Down: Going over the final GP before Mythic Championship London: GP Yokohama.
The Dive Down: Our picks to click from War of the Spark.
The Wind Down: A philosophical tournament report from Stanislav. -
Episode 18: London Mulling
Episode | April 19th, 2019 | 1 hr 29 mins
The Break Down: We talk about the latest Modern GP, Sao Paulo!
The Dive Down: The London Mulligan: how does it impact modern? What we can learn from the latest Magic Online tournaments, and our own experiences.
The Wind Down: Our predictions for MC London. -
Episode 17: The Best Unplayables
Episode | April 12th, 2019 | 1 hr 42 mins
The Break Down: We talk the SCG Cleveland Modern Open and the latest MTGO Modern Challenge.
The Dive Down: 4 cards (and a little bonus!) that aren't quite ready for prime time. Why they aren't there and what we're looking for to make them playable.
The Wind Down: A special announcement many of you have been waiting for! -
Episode 16: The Unholy Grail
Episode | April 5th, 2019 | 1 hr 46 mins
The Break Down: Dissecting GP Calgary, the Modern MOCS, and Tobi Henke's full meta packet of GP Bilbao.
The Dive Down: How best to use, abuse, and understand Chalice of the Void.
The Wind Down: Our first picks to click from War of the Spark. -
Episode 15: 1+1+1=7
Episode | March 29th, 2019 | 1 hr 45 mins
The Break Down: Analyzing the results from SCG Cincinnati's Team Open and Modern Classic.
The Dive Down: We dive down into the big green menace: TRON. How it works, what it's trying to do, and how you can try to stop it.
The Wind Down: The crew answers a listener question about the Modern decks we miss most. -
Episode 14: The Bird That Shan't Be Named ft. Ross Merriam
Episode | March 22nd, 2019 | 2 hrs 9 mins
The Break Down: Analyzing the results from GPs Tampa and Bilbao, and SCG Philadelphia.
The Dive Down: We interview Ross Merriam about Izzet Phoenix, tournament preparation, Modern Horizons reprints, and more.
The Wind Down: New decks the hosts are looking at. -
Episode 13: Modern Modulation ft. GP LA Runner-Up Gal Schlesinger
Episode | March 15th, 2019 | 1 hr 42 mins
The Break Down: Digesting all the top 8 results from the SCG Regionals
The Dive Down: Gal Schlesinger joins us for an interview to talk all things Hardened Scales
The Wind Down: Another B&R announcement with no changes -
Episode 12: Surgical Precision
Episode | March 8th, 2019 | 1 hr 43 mins
The Break Down: The Grand Prix Los Angeles metagame, fun and winning decks, and the power of Faithless Looting.
The Dive Down: How to avoid and overcome 3 problems related to Surgical Extraction.
The Wind Down: How Stan is prepping for this weekend's SCG Regionals. -
Episode 11: Dredge: It's Confla-Great!
Episode | March 1st, 2019 | 1 hr 48 mins
First things first, we talk about the announcement of Modern Horizons!
The Break Down - Feb 24 Modern Challenge and MagicFest Cleveland's Modern MCQ, as well as some spicy picks from this weeks Modern Leagues
The Dive Down - an in-depth look at Dredge: how it works, how it wants to win, and how to try to beat it
The Wind Down - We talk the newly proposed mulligan rule -
Episode 10: Prime Real Estate
Episode | February 22nd, 2019 | 1 hr 18 mins
We break down the GP Strasbourg and Magic Online Modern Mythic Champ Qualifiers, dive down into four different decks built around Primeval Titan, then wind things down with a conversation on what happens if your favorite deck gets banned.