About the show
The Dive Down is a Magic: The Gathering podcast focused on the latest decks, trends, and strategies for the casual spikes in Modern, Pioneer, Explorer, and more!
Each week your hosts Dave, Shane, and Stanislav discuss the latest innovations, competitive events, and level-up topics for paper and online players.
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Episodes and Blog Entries
Episode 243: Pioneer RCs, Coffers, Scales, & One Huge Dinosaur
Episode | October 5th, 2023 | 1 hr 40 mins
This week what's on the tin is in the show! We begin to dip back into Pio and cover the recent RCs in the EU and Canada, talk Modern Coffers and Scales, and finally chat a little about new cards from our imminent return to Ixalan.
Episode 242: This Episode is Full of Beans
Episode | September 28th, 2023 | 1 hr 33 mins
We finally cast the new card in town and played a couple Up the Beanstalk decks in Modern and... Standard?! Plus some new Modern Prowess builds, and a recap of Stan's latest RCQ.
Episode 241: Don't Play Control in Modern & RCQ Prep, ft. George Jabbour
Episode | September 21st, 2023 | 1 hr 40 mins
President of the Narset fan club, George Jabbour, joins Stanislav to talk about tips to prep for the upcoming Modern RCQ season, a brand new sideboard guide tool, and why playing control is such a pain in the @$$.
Episode 240: WOE Betides Modern & Pioneer
Episode | September 14th, 2023 | 1 hr 47 mins
This week it's all about WOE and the new cards that are making an impact in Modern and Pioneer — some that are making more of an impact that we thought they would. Turns out that this return to Eldraine might actually be hiding a little bit of power in it after all.
Episode 239: Modern History: Infamous Sets & Iconic Moments
Episode | September 7th, 2023 | 1 hr 52 mins
This week we talk about the history of Modern through the lens of the most important — and infamous — sets from 8th Edition to now.
Episode 238: Wild 'n Out in Eldraine, pt.2
Episode | August 31st, 2023 | 1 hr 36 mins
The full set is finally spoiled and we're back with the definitive opinions on what's good, what's bad, and what's just neat. We spend a lot of time chatting about some adventuring otters, introduce a once Modern playable cantrip to Pioneer, and head up the beanstalk to draw some cards.
Episode 237: Wild 'n Out in Eldraine, pt.1
Episode | August 24th, 2023 | 1 hr 37 mins
It's that most magical time once again — it's spoiler season! Join Dave, Devon, and Shane as they begin surveying the Wilds of Eldraine.
Episode 236: Pondering Preordain & NRG Detroit, ft. SpiderSpace
Episode | August 17th, 2023 | 1 hr 44 mins
This week Shane and Stan are joined by returning guest Gabriel Maxson, aka SpiderSpace, to talk about the implications, impact, and potential uses of Preordain in Modern. Before that, we take a good look at the results from the NRD Detroit Modern $10k. How many copies of Preordain made the top 8? I guess we will never know....
Episode 235: Pro Tour Deck Tests, Modern Bans, and Future Product Plans
Episode | August 10th, 2023 | 1 hr 40 mins
On this week's episode, Stan, Devon, and Shane kick off with a round of B&R reactions, followed by a recap of the upcoming product roadmap including Modern Horizons 3. Then we take some Pro Tour decks for a spin to see what these so-called pros have been cooking up.
Episode 234: PT Barcelona Takeaways: What Happened, What it Might Mean
Episode | August 3rd, 2023 | 1 hr 26 mins
This week Dave, Shane, and Stan go through the biggest things we learned from the Modern PT last week in Barcelona. It might feel like Rakdos and Tron led the story (and they did) but there's a lot of other things to be learned from what happened.
Episode 233: PT Barcelona Preview, ft. d00mwake
Episode | July 27th, 2023 | 1 hr 37 mins
In preparation for PT Barcelona, Shane, Dave, and Devon (aka d00mwake) go through all of the changes to Modern since LOTR and what we think that means to Pros and to the rest of us.
Episode 232: Over the Top with The One Ring
Episode | July 20th, 2023 | 1 hr 26 mins
This week the boyz go over the top with the biggest decks that have gotten buffs from the LOTR set. Control and big mana strategies have been strengthened by The One Ring, so we take a trio of the best of them out for a test drive.
Episode 231: Intercontinental Modern Tournament Results
Episode | July 13th, 2023 | 1 hr 25 mins
On this week's show, we continue to track the impact of Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth on the Modern metagame with a detailed recap of tournaments from all over the world and world wide web. We touch on the St. Louis NRG Team Trios, the Legacy European Tour Bologna event, and a bunch of Modern challenges.
Episode 230: Put a Ring(s) on It
Episode | July 6th, 2023 | 1 hr 26 mins
This week we keep talking about THE PRECIOUSSSSs... because no one can stop putting this colorless 4-drop in their Modern decks.
Episode 229: NRG Chicagoland & the Power of The One Ring, ft. d00mwake
Episode | June 29th, 2023 | 1 hr 40 mins
We finally return to Modern!! Shane and Devon join forces to break down a bunch of tournaments from last weekend, including the NRG Chicagoland Modern $10k, a huge Japanese paper tournament, and some wild MTGO Challenges. After that, they look more closely at The One Ring (and some other cards) and how it's quickly changing the face of Modern.
Episode 228: The Past, Present, and Future of MTGO, ft. Ryan Spain
Episode | June 22nd, 2023 | 1 hr 27 mins
Ryan Spain, now the Creative Director of Magic Online at Daybreak Games, returns to The Dive Down to talk about the transition of MTGO from WOTC to Daybreak, goals and hopes for the platform's future, and the realities of managing such monolithic software.