About the show
The Dive Down is a Magic: The Gathering podcast focused on the latest decks, trends, and strategies for the casual spikes in Modern and constructed!
Each week your hosts Dave, Stan, and D00mwake discuss the latest innovations, competitive events, and level-up topics for paper and online players.
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thedivedown
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We're also sponsored by ManaTraders, the best Magic card rental service for both Magic Online and paper! Get 25% cashback after 3 months of using ManaTraders! https://www.manatraders.com/?medium=thedivedown or use Manatraders coupon code THEDIVEDOWN
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Episodes and Blog Entries
Episode 156: Yawgmoth: We Persisted
Episode | January 13th, 2022 | 1 hr 47 mins
Episode 155: 2022 Goals: The Nation Speaks
Episode | January 6th, 2022 | 1 hr 50 mins
It's 2022, and we're back with an episode that looks forward to the new year. We asked for listeners to submit their 2022 goals via audio and text, and everyone delivered! We give our thoughts and feedback on the goals of The Nation, and also discuss our own. Before that, we go over Stan's December 2021 Modern summary and the latest Modern Challenges. Here's to 2022!
The Break Down: December Modern Check-In
The Dive Down: Your Goals are Our Goals -
Episode 154: Our Year End Extravaganza, ft. Aspiringspike
Episode | December 22nd, 2021 | 1 hr 50 mins
The end of 2021 is upon us, which means it's time for our annual year in review episode! And this time, we've brought a friend, our reliable unofficial fourth co-host, Aspiringspike. We first talk about the biggest releases, bannings, and changes in 2021 for Modern and Historic, then head into the awards show to hand out this year's Diveys. We talk about our favorite cards, decks, and events of the year, then discuss our goals for 2022. Thanks to all of you for another great year of The Dive Down!
Episode 153: We Did It For Science: Amulet Titan
Episode | December 15th, 2021 | 1 hr 46 mins
In the second installment of We Did It For Science, we explore... gulp... Amulet Titan. Yes, our most hated card goes through our rigorous experimental testing regimen. We go over what these decks are about, gameplans, threats, tips & tricks, and, most importantly, just how much we still hate Primeval Titan. Prior to that, we dive into the metagame of the latest Modern Showcase Challenge.
The Break Down: A Showcase Challenge
The Dive Down: No Idea How to Play This Deck
The Dive Down, cont: Look at This Cool Screenshot -
Episode 152: Is Historic History?
Episode | December 8th, 2021 | 1 hr 54 mins
It's another in our awesome series of top-tier Patreon request episodes, as we take on Mickey S's (no, the other Mickey S) challenge to explore the decks and metagame of best-of-one Historic on Arena. We played a bunch of fun decks and faced off against even more, and have a lot of thoughts on the format. Prior to that, we break down the Innistrad Set Championship and go over the announcement of Alchemy and its impact on Historic, and perhaps all of Magic. Thanks again, Mickey!
The Break Down: Top 8s All Around
The Dive Down: Alchemical Explanations
The Dive Down, cont: Best of One, Best of All -
Bonus 16: Magic, Games, and Culture (ft. the hosts of BAD END Podcast)
Episode | December 5th, 2021 | 1 hr 21 mins
In this latest installment in our series of bonus eps, Shane is joined by the hosts of the videogame and culture podcast BAD END, Josh Calixto and Kyle Kukshtel. They talk about BAD END and the Superculture network, their thoughts on what makes games and Magic work, and, most importantly, what their least favorite video games are. It's a great conversation, and we hope you like it!
Episode 151: TDD Live in Vegas, ft. Reid, Evart, Joe, Gal, Tannon, Sam, Eli, Michael, Joel, Levi, & Steven
Episode | November 24th, 2021 | 2 hrs 1 min
We come to you LIVE (well, sorta) from the recent MTG Las Vegas event, where we tapped some cards, hung out with friends, and talked to some big name players! We talked to some current and future household names about Modern, the decks they brought, and their tournament experiences. Thanks to our old and new friends Joe Lossett, Tannon Grace, Yamakiller, Aspiringspike, Sam Pardee, Reid Duke, Eli Loveman, Michael Rapp, and top 8 finishers Joel Lapray, Levi Sprung, and Steve Pearlman for the fun and insightful conversations!
The Dive Down: Shane & Stan went to Vegas!
The Dive Down, cont: For some reason Dave is here too!
The Dive Down, cont again: More interviews than you can shake your deck at! -
Episode 150: The Road to Las Vegas IV: Preparing to Win, ft. Zach Allen
Episode | November 17th, 2021 | 1 hr 55 mins
It's episode 150!! In our final Road to Las Vegas segment, we are joined by SCG grinder, former host of Turn One Thoughtseize, and all around great guy Zach Allen. We first talk over the weekend's Challenges, then head into The Dive Down to talk about the decks of Modern, leveling up as a player, playing in a big tournament, why Aether Gust is the best card in Modern, and more. It's a can't-miss episode!
The Break Down: A Huge Challenge
The Dive Down: Preparation Makes Perfect
The Dive Down, cont: The End of the Road -
Episode 149: ManaCymbal Crashes & Crimson Vow Spoilers, II
Episode | November 11th, 2021 | 1 hr 52 mins
This week the three friends go through the second half of spoilers from Crimson Vow and consider which ones they'd marry for Modern (and other formats). But first, friend of the pod Zach Ryl (aka Manacymbal) stops by to talk us through his Modern Challenge Victory on Saturday, November 6.
Episode 148: Events, Reanimator, and Crimson Vow Spoilers
Episode | November 3rd, 2021 | 1 hr 44 mins
The title says it all! We first talk the MOCS, the SCG Invitational, and some Modern Challenges to try to wrap our head around the Modern meta. Then Shane makes up for being off last week with a discussion of Esper Reanimator. Then we go over the first batch of Crimson Vow spoilers and talk about some Cool Cards, Inc.
The Break Down: Several Events
The Dive Down: Esper Reanimator
The Dive Down, cont: Crimson Vow Spoilers -
Bonus 15: Undoubtable Creativity ft. Manacymbal
Episode | November 1st, 2021 | 1 hr 28 mins
Streamer, musician, podcaster, and ever-present Magic personality Zach Ryl, aka Manacymbal, joins Stan to talk about the Indomitable Creativity deck in Modern, content creation, and music!
Episode 147: The Road to Las Vegas III: It's Elementalry!
Episode | October 28th, 2021 | 1 hr 43 mins
Shane's gone so Stan and Dave are finally free to do whatever they want. And what they want to do is play too many colors and evoke some elementals! At least that's what they thought they wanted to do — we think? That's right, for the third in our Road to Vegas series we tackle the element... als. But first enjoy a tour of one of last week's Modern Challenges and a live paper tournament from NRG. Stan talks about cool things. Dave reminisces about when he seemed cool. Somewhere, Shane is being cool.
Episode 146: The Road to Las Vegas II: Jund, UW, Hammer
Episode | October 20th, 2021 | 1 hr 54 mins
This week we dive into part two of our series in our anticipation of the return to paper Magic — The Road to Vegas. Dave, Stan, and Shane go through the ins and outs of the next tier of Modern's meta. We're looking at two boomer decks — Jund (secretly zoomer?) and UW Control — and one newmer deck in Hammer. Find out which one we think is best positioned for MTG Vegas. Before that we talk about the latest Historic changes, and go through the results of one of last week's MTGO Modern PTQs. Stan controls. Shane hammers. Dave ionizes.
Episode 145: The Nation Speaks — Your Questions Answered
Episode | October 13th, 2021 | 1 hr 49 mins
This week's ep is a Patreon request by one of the first citizens of The Dive Down Nation - KilgoreTrout, aka Jason! He asked us to do a Q&A episode, and to make it even more fun we brought in some new technology to get audio submissions. We got questions from citizens around the world about Magic, collecting, and podcasting - so thanks to everyone who got involved! And special thanks to Jason for being a true citizen for so long!
Episode 144: The Road To Las Vegas: Murktide v. Burn
Episode | October 7th, 2021 | 1 hr 44 mins
In the first episode of a new miniseries (???), Stan and Shane talk about their experiences testing two of the top decks in the format in their preparation for the CFB Vegas event in November. How do Izzet Murktide and Boros Burn perform right now? Why are they good, and what might be their fatal flaws? Only one way to find out!
The Break Down: Dave's Not Here, Man
The Break Down, cont: Some Good Good Challenges
The Dive Down: Matchups and Putdowns -
Episode 143: The People's Meta: A Deeper Modern
Episode | September 29th, 2021 | 1 hr 52 mins
On this week's episode Shane and Dave explore the depths of Modern in what we are calling.... "The People's Meta." We look at every deck from a recent 5-0 League dump to discuss their place in the metagame, what makes them interesting, and how they are implementing new cards and strategies. Before that, we go through Saturday's Showcase Challenge to look at what people are bringing to the top tournaments.
The Break Down: Showcasing Modern
The Dive Down: Mainstreams and Roguestreams
The Dive Down, cont: More. Patron. Shoutouts.