The Dive Down

A Magic: The Gathering podcast for the casual spike, focused on Modern and constructed!

About the show

The Dive Down is a Magic: The Gathering podcast focused on the latest decks, trends, and strategies for the casual spikes in Modern and constructed!

Each week your hosts Dave, Stan, and D00mwake discuss the latest innovations, competitive events, and level-up topics for paper and online players.

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Episodes and Blog Entries

  • Episode 128: The Modern Horizons 2 Full-ish Set Review, Part 2

    Episode  |  June 9th, 2021  |  1 hr 53 mins

    It's just Stan and Shane this week, and they tackle the second half of the Modern Horizons 2 full set review! Before that, there's a brief Cool Decks, Inc, where we cover 3 decks that made the top 8 of last weekend's Modern Challenge. We then plant some flags and light some takes on fire about the best and worst cards in MH2.

  • Episode 127: The Modern Horizons 2 Full Set Review, Part 1 ft. Aspiringspike

    Episode  |  June 2nd, 2021  |  1 hr 59 mins

    It's finally here!! The first in our two part FULL SET REVIEW for Modern Horizons 2. This week Shane's travel schedule kept him off the episode, but he's been replaced with our unofficial 4th host, Evart Moughon, aka Aspiringspike, one of the most respected and creative deck builders and streamers in Modern.

  • Episode 126: Modern Horizons 2 Previews Begin & Thassa's Oracle Banning

    Episode  |  May 27th, 2021  |  1 hr 45 mins

    This week we talk the banning of Thassa's Oracle in Historic and the first post-ban Historic tournament. Then we head into The Dive Down to discuss the early Modern Horizons 2 previews, and then tackle some listener questions in The Wind Down!
    The Break Down: Oracle Nomoreacle
    The Dive Down: Horizons for Yerizons and Ear...zons
    The Wind Down: Your Questions, Answered

  • Episode 125: Hello Historic Anthology 5, Goodbye MPL

    Episode  |  May 21st, 2021  |  1 hr 40 mins

    Jobs were lost (after next year) and new cards are announced (for next week). We go through all 25 additions from Historic Anthology 5, consider their potential and their competitive past. We also reflect on what the competitive future looks like for casual spikes.

  • Bonus12: Going Optimal with Ryan Spain

    Episode  |  May 14th, 2021  |  1 hr 22 mins

    In our latest bonus episode, we're joined by a godfather of Magic podcasts, limited extraordinaire, and former member of WOTC's Arena team, Ryan Spain! We chat about how the platform works, whether or not it's out to get you, and how to use two Arena accounts to draft more.

  • Episode 124: The Summer of Legend Emergency React-i-sode

    Episode  |  May 10th, 2021  |  1 hr 33 mins

    We couldn't wait until Friday to get this out to you, so here's an early EMERGENCY REACT-I-SODE to Wizard's "Summer of Legend" announcement this past week. We talk about Modern Horizons II, the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, the return of sanctioned Magic, Historic Anthology 5, and more!

  • Episode 123: Sleeve/Believe/Heave: Strixhaven Modern Edition

    Episode  |  May 7th, 2021  |  1 hr 48 mins

    This week we are testing 2 new, and 1 not-really-new, decks featuring the latest cards from Strixhaven, and running them through the Sleeve/Believe/Heave ringer. Just how much DOES Dave love Magma Opus? Is Dredge back? Is Witchermancer the new Skelementals? Listen, and find out! Before that, we take a deep dive into the big weekend of Historic and analyze the winners and losers across the SCG Historic Satellite events.

  • Episode 122: We're Going Rogue(s)

    Episode  |  April 30th, 2021  |  1 hr 48 mins

    This week is an old fashioned deck dive on the latest Hotness in Historic - Dimir Rogues! We explore the cards, the strategies, and the fun of the deck, and spend a LOT of time talking about Brainstorm. Is Shane finally ready to cast blue spells? Before that, we go over a recent Modern Challenge and talk about the latest winnings decks.

  • Episode 121: Early Risers of Strixhaven: At the Head of the Class with Aspiringspike

    Episode  |  April 23rd, 2021  |  1 hr 45 mins

    The unofficial 4th host Evart Moughon, aka Aspiringspike, joins us yet again to go over his early testing and experiments in Modern. Dave talks about, what else, Modern Prowess and Historic Phoenix, and Shane says another aggro deck in Historic isn't good enough. Probably. Before that we look at two early Historic tournaments and have an extended jam session of Cool Decks, Inc.

  • Episode 120: Snows Melt, Phoenixes Rise

    Episode  |  April 16th, 2021  |  1 hr 51 mins

    With our time on Kaldheim coming to an end, the Three Friends take a look back and a look forward. Stan takes us through Modern right now via a couple of MTGO Challenges + we consider what might be coming next. Then we do a little self assessment and grade how we did on reviewing Kaldheim cards going into this format. Finally, we look ahead and talk about the decisions people are grappling with with... you guessed it... building Izzet Phoenix in Historic.

  • Episode 119: Back to School: Spoiling Strixhaven, Vol. 2

    Episode  |  April 9th, 2021  |  1 hr 58 mins

    Well everyone, Shane and Dave really stepped in it last week. Stan's back. And he has things to say. About Mystical Archive cards, about playing to the stack, and about some other nonsense, too. After that's finished, the three friends go through the rest of the cards from Strixhaven and find a few worth talking about for our formats. Stan learns. Dave spoils. Shane toils.

  • Episode 118: Back To School: Spoiling Strixhaven, Vol. 1

    Episode  |  April 2nd, 2021  |  1 hr 54 mins

    This week, Professor Stan is on sabbatical, so Shane and Dave are headed back to school to give their takes on the first batch of Strixhaven spoilers. Is this the episode where Shane is the optimist? We also take some time to go over our Mystical Archive tier lists for Historic. Will Crux of Fate have what it takes to be the only S-Tier card? Before all that, we briefly go over the Historic meta at the Kaldheim Championship, and look at two novel decks that some big names brought.
    The Episode: Stan's Not Here, Man
    The Break Down: The History is History
    The Dive Down: Wizard College's Deepest Secrets

  • Episode 117: How to Beat Modern Heliod Combo

    Episode  |  March 26th, 2021  |  1 hr 47 mins

    It's no secret that the Sun-Crowned has been ruling the roost in Modern, so on this week's episode we ask the very important question: how do we beat Heliod Company?! Or is it Heliod Combo? We're also kicking off the episode with a detailed breakdown of the SCG Tour Online's Historic weekend. #Spreadsheets
    The Disclaimer: Dave's Not Here
    The Break Down: Satellite of Jund
    The Dive Down: Tricksy Timing and Other Combo Breakers

  • Episode 116: Time Spiral Buyers' Guide & Shadows Over Historic

    Episode  |  March 19th, 2021  |  1 hr 52 mins

    In something of a split episode, we first explore the reprints of Time Spiral Remastered, identify some potential cards that are "on sale," the impact of the old border reprints, and what we're eyeballing as purchases. Following that, Dave outlines the various Death's Shadow decks that players have been testing in Historic following the release of Anthology 4, Shane probably under-rates Historic cycling decks, and Stan continues to cast Elves.
    The Break Down: Pay More For Cards You Already Have!
    The Dive Down: Death's Shadow + Adanto Vanguard = <3
    The Dive Down, cont: Other Anthology Thoughts

  • Episode 115: Modern Bant Ephemerate: The Flicker Mob ft. Aspiringspike

    Episode  |  March 12th, 2021  |  1 hr 54 mins

    This week we tackle another Patron request from Bob - Bant Ephemerate! And who better to have on than one of the masters of the deck, Aspiringspike himself, Evart Moughon. We go over the ins and outs of the deck, with Shane wondering just how to cast counterspells, Dave running out of time on Magic Online, and Stan just blinking stuff. Before that, we look at the latest Historic Anthology and give our takes on what cards might have an impact.
    The Break Down: A Shadow Over Historic
    The Dive Down: Draw 2 Whenever You Can
    The Dive Down, cont: Winning With Three 2/2s

  • Episode 114: Modern Merfolk: A Brief History of Spreading Seas

    Episode  |  March 5th, 2021  |  1 hr 56 mins

    This week it's a Modern-focused, Patron-thanking episode that's all about one of the format's classics, Merfolk. That's right. You've been waiting for 2 years for us to dive down into the depths of these seas. But first, we'll take a look through the Mana Traders Series from this month. It's Modern. It's good. Again. Dave hates seafood. Stan combos off. Shane is — surprisingly — a friend to all fish, everywhere.
    The Break Down: Manatraders Modern
    The Dive Down: Turn 1 Aether Vial
    The Dive Down, cont: Turn 4 Spreading Seas