The Dive Down

A Magic: The Gathering podcast for the casual spike, focused on Modern and constructed!

About the show

The Dive Down is a Magic: The Gathering podcast focused on the latest decks, trends, and strategies for the casual spikes in Modern and constructed!

Each week your hosts Dave, Stan, and D00mwake discuss the latest innovations, competitive events, and level-up topics for paper and online players.

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We're also sponsored by ManaTraders, the best Magic card rental service for both Magic Online and paper! Get 25% cashback after 3 months of using ManaTraders! or use Manatraders coupon code THEDIVEDOWN

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Episodes and Blog Entries

  • Episode 113: Post-Ban Plans: Small Samples, Big Conclusions

    Episode  |  February 26th, 2021  |  1 hr 59 mins

    So what next? This week The Three Friends talk about each of our favorite formats in the wake of what some have claimed is the biggest set of bans in MTG history. Is it? We don't know. BUT. We do know that there's new (and old) stuff going on in Modern, Historic, and Pioneer. We will be giving you a Break Down of ALL THREE formats, talk about our experiences playing the formats, and, of course, tell you what we'd play. Shane and Stan pivot table it up while Dave just reads some line graphs out loud. It's can't miss audio content!
    The Break Down: First Modern
    The Break Down II: Then Historic
    The Break Down III: Then Pioneer
    The Break Down IV: Yep, All Three

  • Episode 112: Roll That Beautiful Ban Footage ft. Aspiringspike

    Episode  |  February 17th, 2021  |  2 hrs 28 secs

    Well, those were some bans. And we're here to talk about them, with our regular guest host Evart Moughon, aka Aspiringspike. We first discuss the big bans in Modern, Pioneer, and Historic, then head into the Dive Down to talk about what these changes mean for the formats themselves.
    The Break Down: They Really Really Did It
    The Dive Down: The Face of the New Formats
    The Dive Down, cont: Why Does This Keep Happening?

  • Episode 111: Sleeve/Believe/Heave: LOL Tibalt ed.

    Episode  |  February 12th, 2021  |  1 hr 48 mins

    This week's a funny one. We set out to test some of the most recent winning decks featuring Kaldheim cards, in order to grade them on our (patent-pending) S/B/H rating system. Then, in the span of a few days, the Modern landscape shifted under our feet! So we'll still talk about those winning decks, but also about the communities iteration on Cascade Tibalt, what this means for Modern, and, as always, provide some mildly spicy takes.
    The Break Down: What
    The Dive Down: The
    The Dive Down, cont: Falki

  • Episode 110: Kaldheim: Testing New Tech & Avoiding New Tricks

    Episode  |  February 5th, 2021  |  1 hr 50 mins

    Kaldheim is out, which means there's a bunch of new great, fair decks for us to explore in our favorite formats! Hold on, I'm being handed a note.... oh wait there's some more ways to win on turn 1, as well... So this week we're testing some of the cards and decks that people are talking about, and reporting back with our findings. Before that we check out the latest Modern events to see what's changing there, and looking for Kaldheim cards that are making an impact.
    The Break Down: Modern Challenges
    The Dive Down: He's Tricky
    The Dive Down, cont: More Impact Than Advertised
    The Wind Down: Arena Experiences

  • Episode 109: Historic Gruul: Smashing & Flashing to Victory

    Episode  |  January 29th, 2021  |  1 hr 48 mins

    This week we Dive Down into Gruul Aggro in Historic. After a strong representation and showing in the recent MPL and Rivals Historic weekend events, Gruul looks to be the tier 1 aggro deck in the format. We guide you through deck construction, piloting the deck, and playing against it! Before that, we walk through a meta breakdown on the past month or so of Modern, and are again forced to discuss a certain escaping Titan.
    The Break Down: Deep, Deep Modern Meta
    The Dive Down: A Truly Busted 2
    The Dive Down, pt. 2: A Truly Busted 6

  • Episode 108: Kaldheim Spoilers: Hot Takes on Cool Cards, Vol. 2 ft. AspiringSpike

    Episode  |  January 22nd, 2021  |  1 hr 53 mins

    We head back to Kaldheim for more spoiler takes, this time joined by regular guest host Evart Moughon, aka Aspiring Spike! What cards have what it takes to make an impact in Magic's non-rotating formats? We don't really know, but we have some thoughts... We also discuss the recent MPL and Rivals Historic weekend events, and break down the current meta.
    The Break Down: It's the MPL, Y'all
    The Dive Down: He's Finally Back
    The Dive Down, cont: Cards Evart Likes

  • Bonus 11: Breaking into Pyro Prison ft. FluffyWolf2

    Episode  |  January 19th, 2021  |  1 hr 8 mins

    In our latest bonus episode, Modern streamer and Pyro Prison stalwart FluffyWolf2 joins us for a conversation about earning a reputation for championing a single deck, the state of Modern, and lessons learned streaming MTGO.

  • Episode 107: Kaldheim Spoilers: Hot Takes on Cool Cards, Vol. 1

    Episode  |  January 15th, 2021  |  1 hr 46 mins

    The first batch of Kaldheim spoilers have dropped, and we're here to provide our patent-pending hot takes. We answer important questions like: what Izzet card will Stan overrate, what Green 5-drop will Shane think just might work, and what reasonable stance will Dave take on every card we discuss? Prior to that we finish up our mutual journey through Zendikar Rising by finding some Cool Decks for our latest installment of Cool Decks, Inc.
    The Break Down: Gazpacho Decks, Inc.
    The Dive Down, pt 1: Cards Dave Loves
    The Dive Down, pt 2: Cards Shane & Stan Hate

  • Episode 106: Modern: Stop. Hammertime.

    Episode  |  January 8th, 2021  |  1 hr 47 mins

    This week we asked our patrons to tell us what deck to do our next dive on, and they chose one of the up-and-comers of Modern: Hammer Time. And what do you know, it performed incredibly well at the ManaTraders Modern Tournament and put 4 decks into the latest Challenge top 8. What timing! We first go deep on the ManaTraders tourny, then head into the Dive Down to provide a thorough overview of Hammer Time: how do the pieces work together, how you should think about playing it, and how people will try to hate you out.
    The Break Down: Modern Manatraders Meta Madness
    The Dive Down: The 0s and 1s
    The Dive Down, cont: The 2s and +10/+10s

  • Episode 105: 2020: A Real Year.

    Episode  |  January 1st, 2021  |  1 hr 52 mins

    2020 is a year that did, in fact, happen. And we are here to talk about the year of Magic: The Gathering and our place in it. And maybe make fun of our bad takes. We review Modern, Pioneer, and Historic through 2020, talk about our favorite (and least favorite cards) from the year, review our best (and worst) picks to click, and more! Thanks for your amazing support through 2020. We appreciate you.

  • Episode 104: Must-Knows For (Today's) Modern Tournaments

    Episode  |  December 24th, 2020  |  1 hr 54 mins

    This week we take a journey into the ManaTraders Modern Tournament Series. We talk about the decks we played with and against, potential mental and strategic approaches to events like these, and some hot hot takes about Modern and Magic. We also spend some time talking about Stan's recent successes, and the first batch of Kaldheim spoilers!
    The Break Down: Stan's Satellite Results!
    The Dive Down: Our Manatraders Results!
    The Wind Down: Kaldheim Spoiler Results!

  • Episode 103: The Best Decks in Historic

    Episode  |  December 18th, 2020  |  1 hr 55 mins

    This week The Dive Down goes back to Historic. After bursting out briefly in song, the crew breaks down the metagame from last weekend's SCG Satellite Tournaments and reels in shock from one or two insights. Dave manages to make a recap of the Arena Open all about him. Stan is unsurprised. Shane is amused. After that we dive down into three of the best decks in Historic... that we haven't spoken about that much yet.
    The Break Down: Satellite Results
    The Break Down, pt 2: Customer Servicing into Day 2
    The Dive Down: Best Titans, Best Wizards, Best Cats

  • Episode 102: A Tribal Quest: Hives, Grenades, and Skeletons

    Episode  |  December 11th, 2020  |  1 hr 59 mins

    It's time for another top-tier Patron request episode! This time, long-time citizen of the nation Sean asked us to talk about tribal decks. We cover the history of tribes in Magic, common aspects of tribal decks, and do a Sleeve/Believe/Heave of some of the less popular tribes of Modern. Prior to that, we spend a long time breaking down the Historic decks and meta of the Zendikar Rising Championship that took place last weekend!
    The Break Down: A Historic Championship
    The Dive Down: Tribe Talk
    The Dive Down, cont: Which Deck Will Stan Qualify With?

  • Episode 101: Historic 101: An Intro For Casual Spikes

    Episode  |  December 4th, 2020  |  1 hr 51 mins

    For the first week of our NEXT 100 episodes, we finally took the plunge into Magic Arena's non-rotating format: Historic. We will help you understand how to assess and buy into Historic, what the decks and meta are like, what playing on Arena is like, and our thoughts on if Best of One is really Magic.... Enjoy the beginning of a new podcast adventure!
    The Dive Down: 88 Goblins
    The Dive Down, cont: Pants, Pants, Pants
    The Dive Down, cont: Gruul Smash

  • Episode 100: One. Hundred. Decks.

    Episode  |  November 20th, 2020  |  2 hrs 26 mins

    It's Episode 100, so we pulled out all the stops for a live streamed recording of mini-dives into the 100 most important/cool/powerful decks of Modern, from inception to today. That's... a lot of decks! Join us for an extra-long episode full of fun and surprises!
    The Break Down: One
    The Dive Down: Hundred
    The Wind Down: Decks

  • Episode 99: A Few of Our Favorite Things

    Episode  |  November 13th, 2020  |  1 hr 49 mins

    We took things a little easy this week as we prepare for the big episode 100 live stream, and asked The Dive Down Nation to prompt us with: "What's your favorite ______?" We got a TON of awesome questions, so thank you, Nation! We talk about our favorite spells, overheard conversations, books, draft formats, and more. Prior to that we have an installment of Cool Decks, Inc, where we talk about a few recent... well... cool decks that we've seen popping up in Modern.
    The Break Down: Cool Decks Inc.
    The Dive Down: All of our favorite stuff!